Our Services
Transitions Training takes you through a short process to know how to re-engage so that you can enjoy your work, get results and feel valued.
This one-day training session takes participants through exercises and activities that help them to clarify their unique contributions toward the business goals of the organization utilizing the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Participants create a career and progress plan for growth with their personalized impact report utilizing their results on 7 common competencies.
Potential hires take 4 widely used and legally defensible assessments to explore Intelligence, Personality, and Interest in the job for which they are being considered. The hiring manager receives a report summarizing the candidate’s results.
From executive level to high potential new starts, counseling utilizes psychological assessments to enlighten and stimulate growth around strengths and opportunities for change. Program starts at a minimum of six weeks.
Whether a high school senior trying to decide on a college major, or a seasoned professional changing careers, this single counseling session reviews 20+ pages of data from assessments that shed light on interests, working environments, personality, and future market demands to decide on careers and college majors.